The All-Nighter


The college all-nighter is a right of passage for most students. There will be one paper forgotten about only to be done just before deadline. A test that studying for had to be put off until the last minute for one reason or another.

Every student inevitably pulls the all-nighter. Staying up until the crack of dawn, banging away on the keyboarding trying to hammer out the last minute details to a paper long forgotten. Searching for last minute details to add for spice. It is this night that the student finds strength to graduate.

The student discovers that it can be done. There is light at the end of the tunnel and as long as they don’t procrastinate every assignment, one can come in last. One has to come in last. Which one is the question?

Some students pull more all-nighters than others, if they are habitual procrastinators. Some students may prefer the all-nighter. It is quieter or they think better when wired on coffee and energy drinks.

Some students will only attempt the feat once recognizing the futility of the all-nighter. Eventually the all-nighter turns into all-day. The student cannot sleep once the night is concluded. They still have class to attend.

Doing the work all-night is only half the battle. Surviving the day to submit the work means mission accomplished. Coffee and energy again rescue the tired pupil. They wane to display and keep their eyes open. Slogging from one class to another.

Every person on campus recognizes the all-nighter. They have red-eyes and dark bags under them. They bump into people when zombie walking the halls. They turn their work in and immediately leave class or sleep in the back.

These are the people trying to graduate. These are the students that have experienced college in all its wonders and pains. To live and celebrate life one must sacrifice and so many times the student chooses sleep to lose.

What They Should Teach in School

With media filling the daily lives of many Americans thought should be put into how we interpret that media. At least one television can be found in most American homes. The cellphone and other devices have placed the media at the tip of every citizen’s fingers.

The television is arguably the most invasive form of mediated communication in the home. Since its introduction in 1928 the TV has grown in popularity to virtually one in every household. Note that there are some homes and communities that choose not to have them.

With this phenomenon of mediated communication saturating the lives of Americans thought of what that does to the public has been studied. Multiple studies have shown positive and negative effects of viewing television and other mediated content. Media literacy classes are being taught at the college level in the U.S. today.

These classes need to trickle down to the grade school, middle school and high school levels. Some of the most damaging negative effects happen at the developmental stages. Children 3 years-of-age or younger do not process stories, plots, or even characters. However, children this age and older will conduct imitation behavior.

In a famous study conducted by Albert Bandura in 1961 and 1963 children imitated aggressive behavior. The behavior was imitated after watching adult models acting aggressively. Some watched in person and some watched a video it did not make much of a difference. Other aspects added to the studies validity. The study was conducted with an empirical approach to test Bandura’s social learning theory.

With the decades of research that support claims of behavior learned from media, one would think thought has gone into teaching children how to intake media. With lower level media literacy classes some of the negative social behaviors learned could be mitigated. The overall effects on society could be measured in a relatively short time. Studies also support that mediated viewing of the media can curb the negative effects.

“Under Promise, Over Deliver”

“Under promise, over deliver” is advice given by Ms. Mary Alice Basconi. She is a professor of Mass Communications at East Tennessee State University. This has become some of the best advice one has received while in school.

It can be difficult to find ones voice in the media world. Hunter S. Thompson struggled for years. There are movies made about it. “Rum Diaries” when he began and the evolution of Gonzo Reporting in “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” demonstrate how hard it can be.

The struggle to produce content and manage time can be a challenge. Trying to pursue other areas of media production can cause distraction. The need to make a living and put food on the table can take one away from writing.

One area that a person may struggle is over promising their ability. It is wonderful to believe that we are all capable of greatness now. The truth however is that it takes more than introductory classes to become just that.

Like Thompson many journalism students struggle to find their voice. It can be discouraging to receive a paper from a teacher without a grade on it. Told only that it needs revision before it can be graded. How do you cover a controversial topic when you do not know how to write about a controversial issue? You do the best you can.

Under promising may be the best way to make oneself shine. It is ok to ensure the completion of a simpler task if the story at hand may be too large. Over delivering is the way to make it and most of the time people only expect what you say you can do.

Remembering to do this is the challenge. Most people want to believe that they are the great one when they are starting. It is easy to run with positive encouragement as well. You should challenge yourself too. If you are not challenging yourself how can you improve?



Pinch Me, is This Happening?

When I was a child the only goal I had set was to be in the military. That happened at the age of 17. I enlisted and my parents had to sign my permission slip. Yes, I was too young to enlist on my own.

I enlisted as a split-operations training soldier. This means that I went to Basic Training during the summer between my junior and senior year of high school. After graduation I was an active-duty soldier and within a year I was deployed to Afghanistan.

1st Deployment
This is me during my first deployment to Afghanistan. I was assigned to 2 Battalion 504 (PIR), 1 Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, during this deployment from April 2005 to March 2006. 

Once in the military I found a home amongst many other children of adversity. I discovered that there were many non-professionals filling ranks that I assumed to be filled with professionals. The military was not exactly what I was expecting.

I began to wish for something different. I was not exactly, happy, with what I was doing. Do not take this the wrong way. I am extremely proud of my service and would not change the course of my life. However, I would have exited the military after my first enlistment, had I known what I wanted to do with my life.

I remember at one point in my career telling people that I would exit in a heart beat if I could get a job driving cars for a living. Anything to do with cars was my passion to be honest. It has been since I was a child. From racing, to working on classic cars and driving to relax, vehicles have been my passion.

I finally left the military in July of 2013. Before exiting I secured acceptance to East Tennessee State University as a Mass Communications major with a concentration in Journalism. I never wanted to be a news reporter but wanted to write for magazines. My goal was to secure employment writing for a car magazine. This would enable me to travel and drive exotic cars and trucks.

I am now in my junior year of college and have secured an internship with Revma Media. My major is still journalism but my minor is Radio/TV/Film, or broadcast journalism. My internship will take place over the summer in multiple states. I will be filming rodeos and car shows.

I will be working on multiple shows that air on Velocity Channel with Revma Media. I now have the most amazing opportunities ahead of me. I never thought that I would be working on shows of this caliber this quick in my career. The learning experiences will transfer over for years to come.

Day One on the Job
My first day on the job with Revma Media. We were filming product features for Lokar Inc. Lokar is the manufacture of performance parts for cars.

I will also be working on my own project. This project is a concept of my creation. It is a web-series that will provide many different forms of content. All the content will focus on guest, food, overland adventure and discussions of American Culture. I have secured sponsors and funding for this project already.

I have started working and am very excited because what I do now does not feel like work. I have experienced moments of nostalgia in realization these dreams are now coming true too. I have worked hard to get here and cannot wait to prove I deserve it.

Now, somebody pinch me so that I know this is real.

Obtaining a Sponsor

If you have ever started or tried to start your own media production outlet you know that it is not cheap. The cost of cameras, travel and processing equipment is enough to bust some peoples budget. For those passionate about it they find a way.

One way that some do this is through sponsorships. A sponsorship is when one or more businesses invest in your project. Whether this is a race team or a television show, sponsorships work pretty much the same way. The sponsor gives you money, product or support and you speak on their behalf to your fan base.

This can be a great way to raise money for a media project if you have a viable outlet. It can be challenging trying to secure a sponsor. If you do not have a fan base already following you, why would a business invest? The challenge is to produce enough quality content to attract a few sponsors.

The first sponsor seems to be the hardest to secure. Other business will take interest if one has already. One is reminded of needing credit to build credit or “if you build it they will come” but you need them to build it. The challenge is half the battle for enterprising entrepreneurs.

Try looking for a start-up business. A business in its first year will need exposure to help lift the brand. If you offer advertising and exposure they may jump on board. If you have a fan base for you media product already the brand will be even more enticed.

Offering something in return could also help. Do not merely ask for a sponsorship. Make sure that you inform the potential sponsor that they will be getting advertising in return. Having the ability to produce commercials or graphics may help.

In any instance securing a sponsor can be the hardest part of producing content. If you have the ability produce quality content first you should start there. Sponsors will come to you if your fan base is large enough. If you do not have the equipment produce the best content that you can. Continue to work hard and you will get there too.


Government and Civil Rights

The American Civil War is one of the most horrific times in U.S. history. Many people seem to not grasp what the war was over or why it started.

Many feel that upholding slavery was the primary reason why southern people of the U.S. wanted to succeed from the Union. They ignore the fact that the Southern States were not equally represented in government. They also ignore the fact that at the time of succession abolition of slavery was not on the government agenda.

Many Southern State Governments wanted to succeed because they felt they could better represent the people and the agricultural economy coming out of the region. Slavery was an issue that came about later within the presidential administration of Abraham Lincoln.

After the war ended the 14th Amendment was ratified by congress to truly free all the slaves in the U.S. Many new beginnings and new problems arose in the nation.

Freedmen now had opportunities they had not enjoyed before but the former slave owners did not want this. They felt that the white race was superior and that the freedmen would be a detriment to the nation.

Out of this dilemma came many possible resolutions but most seem to fall short. The Freedmen’ s Bureau and other organizations fought for civil rights. Almost from the beginning of Reconstruction.

Freedmen now had the tasking of starting a life. There were many different attempts that were unsuccessful as well.  Freedmen saw themselves as equal to their former owners. The former owners did not agree with this sentiment.

They key things to point out I am pointing out is that slavery was the first time that the government took upon the responsibility of a social issue. Many social issues were prevalent prior to the Civil War i.e. woman suffrage, slavery, immigration, and laborer rights to name a few.

Most of these issues got put aside when the war broke out so as not to divide the nation even more. Slavery however took center stage in 1863 when President Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation. Then pushed for the 14th Amendment during reconstruction.

Although, this great atrocity was something that needed to be destroyed. No other time in American history had a President made a social issue the matter of the government. This led to repercussions that have reverberated throughout the history of the US.

From labor issues to woman suffrage the Federal Government has taken up arms on many issues and continue to do so today. State government laws are being stamped out by the U.S. Federal Government.

One cannot argue against the belief that slavery was an atrocity and needed to be ended. This issue needed to be shouldered.  Where, however, is the line in the sand for people to take personal responsibility today? The State Governments need to stand up and start making sensible laws as well.

WWII Second Most Important Event in Human History

World War II could be argued as one of the most important time frames in the history of the planet we call home.

The U.S. before WWI and WWII carried many policies of isolationism. Some believe that Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted involve the U.S. in the war but popular opinion kept America out. This changed December 7, 1941, when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

FDR asked for war against Japan and had unlimited support from the government and the people. Pushing to war changed almost every aspect of American life. The able men went off to war. The women were left to make war machines in the factories. The independence and show of support ultimately lead to women suffrage and other rights for women.

The American-Japanese endured some of the worst treatment American Citizens have received by the government up to this day. They were imprisoned in interment camps because all Japanese were seen as potential spies and “could not be trusted.” Their civil rights were revoked and many families were torn apart.

The loss of human life due to the war was devastating. However, many good things could be traced back to it. Developments in technology were one of the largest benefits of the war, especially in areas of communications and medicine.

Civil rights became a focus not just for blacks but also for Native Americans, Hispanics, and women during the war and there were measurable reasoning behind the arguments. More than one million African-Americans served during the war, which gave the leaders of the civil rights a large foundation to argue from.

The culmination of WWII being the Atomic Bombs dropped by U.S. Forces on Japan truly changed the world. The power of the bombs could be said to have been over-powering.

In my opinion WWII is the second most important event in human history following the Industrial Revolution. The dropping of the Atomic Bombs on Japan truly changed the world in ways we are still discovering.

Apart from the violence, many leaps were made in Civil Rights in America, some faster than others, and not just for one demographic. The inclusion of Asian-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, African-Americans, Native-Americans, Female-Americans and just good old-fashioned Americans in the war and war effort display that Americans weren’t labeled by where they are from or what they looked like, all are AMERICANS.

These movements didn’t happen right away and were/are still fought arduously. There was/is justification that must not be denied by any.

Many labor reforms that came about during the war we still share today; along with government policies like the GI Bill and retirement benefits for military members.

America also pushed forward the standards of living with many families switching to duel income and consuming more product. WWII evolved America into a superpower, a status still enjoyed today, but changed the world into a community. Now one country is not solely standing alone, whether economically, militarily or another reason, we all became dependent on one another.

What is an American?

Merriam-Webster Dictionary says that an American is: 1) A person born, raised or living in the U.S. 2) A person born, raised or living in North or South America. 3) A citizen of the U.S.

Do you the people agree with this? I want to know.

J. Hector St. John De Crevecoeur a farmer, author, immigrant, diplomat and Canadian militiaman was also a colonial settler in the U.S. before there was a U.S. He married, had a home in what became New York and travelled throughout New England and Canada before returning to Europe.

He described an American in his essays published in the late 1700s Letters From an American Farmer. Crevecoeur said:

“They are a mixture of English, Scotch, Irish, French, Dutch, Germans and Swedes. From this promiscuous breed, that race now called Americans have risen…I could point out to a family whose grandfather was an Englishman, whose wife was Dutch, whose son married a French woman, and whose present four sons have now four wives of different nations. He is an American, who, leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced, the new government he obeys, and the new rank he holds…Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men, whose labors and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world.” – From Letter III. What Is an American

 Do you the people agree with this? I want to know.

(Genetic testing has proven that many other races mixed too: Native American, African, Spanish, Etc.

From this example one could argue that American is a race and not a nationality. American may be the first race without nationality since nations formed in history? What do you think?


Remembering 9/11

September 11, 2001, is a day that will not be forgotten in U.S. That day the worst terrorist attack on America and one of the worst atrocities committed on American soil was committed.

The attack did not happen on the military or a government target. Rather on the country’s people. This attack symbolized the growing threat of Radical Islam in the world. This form of radicalism is where they attack innocent people of a nation rather than that nation’s army.

Before 9/11 happened, the U.S. was entering a transition period. The government was shifting from the Clinton Administration to the Bush Administration. The latter had promised to be a “compassionate conservative” during his campaign (slides). President Bush’s campaign promises were lost on many because of how soon after his election 9/11 happened. Most don’t even remember what is promises were because of this.

The nation was at war within the first 10 months of Bush’s election with an enemy we didn’t know. The administration called for the immediate surrender of Osama Bin Laden by the Afghanistan government who refused. Therefore the U.S’s commander in chief mad it known that we were coming to get him.

I will never forget the things that happened on that day. I was a sophomore in high school and in JROTC. We were conducting our annual inspection that day.

I was unaware of the happenings until after the second plane hit the towers. Being in command of a Drill and Ceremony Team kept me away from the news. I was on a field marching in uniform at 15 years old.

The repercussions of that day will forever be embedded in the minds of those that knew America before 9/11. The Patriot Act laid down laws that were not clearly defined. Opening the door to unconstitutional acts by government law enforcement officials.

These are issues that have continued to plague the American people since their inception. Some of these laws have been challenged and over turned. Others remain in place.

One thing for certain is that those old enough to remember do. In stark detail most can tell you exactly where they were and what they were doing. Some can even tell you how that day changed their lives and behavior forever.

What They Should Teach (Better) in High School

Upon graduating from high school in the United States most students are of age to cast a vote in an election. This is something that carries great responsibility for the future of one’s self and others in their community.

Being a knowledgeable voter allows you to truly vote for whom you feel is the best candidate. Choosing one who will strive for legislation you support and some that will directly affect the voter personally.   Casting a vote whether locally or nationally will determine how the voter and others live their lives.

A knowledge of how voting has shaped America through the history of politics can aid a person in these choices. Studying legislation from the past will allow one to see how it can shape the future.

Being able to see and reflect how the media portrays a candidate will give one an understanding of what may or may not be pertinent. A candidate should be elected for being whom one deems the best for the job at hand. Not what they wear or whom they have dinner with. The responsibilities of voting as an 18-year-old high school graduate one needs to have a basic understanding of politics.

The history of politics should be reviewed to see how legislation stands the test of time and how it can be altered. In the U.S. there is legislation that has been in place, approximately, since the founding of the country. The Bill of Rights demonstrates how legislation can be timeless.

Understanding how politics has evolved in America allows insight to how campaign promises can develop into legislation. If one understands this they may look more than once before casting their vote. Comprehension how laws can be changed may also change whom a person votes for. Looking to the past may very well alter the future.

A huge influence on how a person votes is the media. What one sees on television or reads in print can largely shape their opinion of a candidate. In the U.S. there is law-mandating freedom of the press. Knowing this one understands that a news organization could manipulate a story to support its own agenda. Deeper research is needed to make the best choice of candidates.

Being an informed voter in the digital age is an advantage all Americans have. Knowing alternative research methods one should not allow themselves to be duped by the media.

Basic understanding of how politicians use the media to shape their image will empower a voter to dig deeper into a candidate. The best thing for a country of democracy is knowledge. Knowing how the media sculpts the information allows an individual the power of critical thinking before casting their vote.

Some say that the President of the United States is only in office for eight years at the most. Whether he is good or bad a citizen only has to live with he or she for eight years. Legislation they pass, however, can last much longer. A knowledgeable person versed in the basics of Political Sciences should understand this.

Voters should know that the person they are voting for may not wear the same suit or hold the same office for 50 years. Although, they could pass a bill into law that last for over 100 years. Knowing what and whom you are voting for now will effect the future. Hopefully it would air a side of caution when in the ballot box casting one’s vote.

Graduating high school is a large celebration and accomplishment for most. College is ahead for some and others are straight to the workforce supporting a family. Having a basic understanding of Political Sciences in the United States should be a must.

Living in a democracy where every vote counts the voter shoulders a responsibility to support the best candidate. Knowledge of the offices held, who can become a candidate, and the political process needs to be taught before one cast their vote.

Empowering the people of a nation with voting rights is something that needs to be cherished in America again. Understanding what those in office can and cannot do should invigorate people of this country to maintain the checks and balances. High school is the time one needs this knowledge allowing vigilance for the charge of voting upon entering the adult life post high school.