Tag Archives: Knowledge

What They Should Teach (Better) in High School

Upon graduating from high school in the United States most students are of age to cast a vote in an election. This is something that carries great responsibility for the future of one’s self and others in their community.

Being a knowledgeable voter allows you to truly vote for whom you feel is the best candidate. Choosing one who will strive for legislation you support and some that will directly affect the voter personally.   Casting a vote whether locally or nationally will determine how the voter and others live their lives.

A knowledge of how voting has shaped America through the history of politics can aid a person in these choices. Studying legislation from the past will allow one to see how it can shape the future.

Being able to see and reflect how the media portrays a candidate will give one an understanding of what may or may not be pertinent. A candidate should be elected for being whom one deems the best for the job at hand. Not what they wear or whom they have dinner with. The responsibilities of voting as an 18-year-old high school graduate one needs to have a basic understanding of politics.

The history of politics should be reviewed to see how legislation stands the test of time and how it can be altered. In the U.S. there is legislation that has been in place, approximately, since the founding of the country. The Bill of Rights demonstrates how legislation can be timeless.

Understanding how politics has evolved in America allows insight to how campaign promises can develop into legislation. If one understands this they may look more than once before casting their vote. Comprehension how laws can be changed may also change whom a person votes for. Looking to the past may very well alter the future.

A huge influence on how a person votes is the media. What one sees on television or reads in print can largely shape their opinion of a candidate. In the U.S. there is law-mandating freedom of the press. Knowing this one understands that a news organization could manipulate a story to support its own agenda. Deeper research is needed to make the best choice of candidates.

Being an informed voter in the digital age is an advantage all Americans have. Knowing alternative research methods one should not allow themselves to be duped by the media.

Basic understanding of how politicians use the media to shape their image will empower a voter to dig deeper into a candidate. The best thing for a country of democracy is knowledge. Knowing how the media sculpts the information allows an individual the power of critical thinking before casting their vote.

Some say that the President of the United States is only in office for eight years at the most. Whether he is good or bad a citizen only has to live with he or she for eight years. Legislation they pass, however, can last much longer. A knowledgeable person versed in the basics of Political Sciences should understand this.

Voters should know that the person they are voting for may not wear the same suit or hold the same office for 50 years. Although, they could pass a bill into law that last for over 100 years. Knowing what and whom you are voting for now will effect the future. Hopefully it would air a side of caution when in the ballot box casting one’s vote.

Graduating high school is a large celebration and accomplishment for most. College is ahead for some and others are straight to the workforce supporting a family. Having a basic understanding of Political Sciences in the United States should be a must.

Living in a democracy where every vote counts the voter shoulders a responsibility to support the best candidate. Knowledge of the offices held, who can become a candidate, and the political process needs to be taught before one cast their vote.

Empowering the people of a nation with voting rights is something that needs to be cherished in America again. Understanding what those in office can and cannot do should invigorate people of this country to maintain the checks and balances. High school is the time one needs this knowledge allowing vigilance for the charge of voting upon entering the adult life post high school.